Sooooo day 1 was amazing! I went solo to Mount Evans and, well, I SENT MY PROJECT! Oh man what a beautiful feeling. Sunny, windy, and 60 degrees, I sat underneath the Dali recalling past memories of failure. I decide to give it a go... to the dyno, but no send. I sat there looking at the problem and then went up on top of the boulder to look at the scenery. It was such a gorgeous day at Evans today, and blah blah blah, I got inspired, and blah blah blah. I went down to the climb, and strapped on my shoes. Next thing I knew I was holding the slopey jug, smiling from ear to ear. I know the Dali isn't groundbreaking, but I had such a mental block on the thing that it felt really good to push through on the first day of my trip.
Next I went to beirstadt and did all the moves except for the last one. Really psyched on this one, I think it will go pretty quick. I feel really good for not bouldering since March. So excited!
I'm going climbing tomorrow so I'll keep you posted.
Stay psyched!